To make this map I downloaded population projections for 2009 from the U.S. Census website. The U.S. Census is a more reliable source for projections than any other because their projections are based on trends since population data has been collected. I also used the congressional districts I had downloaded for the first map. I also downloaded the county boundaries from the U.S. Census website. I cleaned up the data in Excel and used the JOIN function to put the data into the attributes table, joining the tabular data with the shapefile. I selected proportional symbol dots to illustrate the population data. I did not use the psychological scaling to resize the dots since there is only one largest dot and it is already covering the whole county outline. I did not use a white outline because there was not too much overlap like some of the population maps we have seen and created. I went back to what we learned in Lab 6 to make this map. Dots are a standard way to illustrate population, so I like using this method. It matches the use of raw data.